Ahh, another weekend, another blogstalking activity. This time, our brush with fame. I don't like to talk too much about my brush with celebrity, I mean, I hate bragging, ya know? Some women would shoot me on site if they knew I met a shirtless Johnny Depp.

Or ran into Hugh Jackman on the beach.

Wow, I need to hang out on the beach more often ;)
You and Johnny make such a great couple.
LOL. You lucky girl! I am soooo jealous. Hugh is quite a catch!
it's when you meet a pants-less Johnny Depp that I will truly be jealous. :)
So, snagged them both, eh? Obviously we need a hot oil wrestling match between the two in order to decide who deserves your affections.
I volunteer to referee.
Oh man, is that the Clap you're wearing in both pics! Ha ha! Cristi gave Johnny and Hugh the clap!!!
for real or did you do an awesome photoshop job....lol
I love your clap!
I'm coming and hanging out with you!! :)
Child, you have too much time on your hands!! Will I hear about Friday night?
I am going to hit you for some blog template help someday soon.
I'm coming to hang out with you on the beach.
Oh Yeah! I'll be co-judge with Tvini ;-)
Lucky duck ;) I'd take Hugh Jackman as Wolverine home any day...
Mwahahaha! You cheated, but I like it!
The clapotis looks fab on you.
You have excellent taste, my dear. And clearly, so do Johnny and Hugh.
um... those boys look mighty skinny to me!! umm... sideways, I mean... ;]
LMAO, you are one lucky lady!
Hey, Depp is mine!
Throw Johnny back and keep Hugh. He looks so happy and relaxed with you. ;-)
Ha ha ha! Excellent! I'd also keep Hugh over Johnny. I think a relationship with Johnny Depp would be exhausting. He seems way too... deep... for anyone's good. Anyone, that is, except a ridiculously skinny French woman! ;)
Hah! You are such a goof! I'd take Johnny Depp or Hugh Jackman any day!
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