Hoo boy. Have I got some catching up to do with the ABC-along. And T? I coulda whipped that out ages ago. Because duh. Turtle. Tuh-ertle. TURTLE. TURTLEGIRL. Sheesh. I know
it's been done but if I didn't do turtle for the letter T what kind of turtle devotee would I be?
So I gathered the turtles for a group photoshoot.

Is this all of my turtles? Oh hell no. Is it enough turtles? Well, honestly, probably. Will I ever stop bringing new turtles into my collection? Probably not. Do I need to get some curio shelves or something to put them up on the wall all together so it looks more like the collection it is rather than having turtles everwhere you look? Yup.
That turtle teapot (or is it a watering can) is possibly the cutest/funniest thing I have seen in a long time!
I think you should so NOT get a curio!! It's best to give each turtle it's own personal spot. It's more "you". :D
I love all your turtles! :) This is random, but everytime I see your name (Turtle I mean) I think of my favourite book The Westing Game Have you read it?
Very interesting collection there! I think it's neat how you have them all over the place too! :)
What a fun collection.
How many turtle Christmas ornaments do you have?
ooooh, it's like turtle pr0n! :)
Turtle pr0n! LOL! And that teapot almost made me snort water through my nose.
I snapped a pic of a turtle figurine when I was on vaca in Paris earlier this month. I'll have to post it later this week. ;)
Great collection! I had a roommate in University who had a turtle named Teefer. Teefer Turtle.
I just noticed your quitmeter. Looks like you're coming up on the 1 year mark. Awesome job!! I quit in November 2003.
no, not enough turtles.
You need more.
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