Monday, August 15, 2005

The Whole Fam-Damnly

Well, I haven't posted in over a week because life took a busy turn for a week. My sister, nephew, and parents came to visit me for the week of my birthday. (Yeah, I'm 29 now, so stop asking me how old I am from here on. I'm not aging anymore.) The first few days were fun, yet stressful because Mom was, well, mom. Once we got her to let me drive my car around and give up on her driving her van with the GPS system, all went well on that front. I mean, here I am, trying to give simple, direct driving directions, and my parents opt to listen to "polly the parrot" on their GPS system. This procedes to get them all sorts of screwed up because they don't react quick enough to her directions for them to work. Oh well. But we had fun. I'll post some pics when I get a chance.

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