I had to say the hardest goodbye today.

Morris was at least 13 years old. Today, I had to make the hardest decision a pet owner has to make. He had to be euthanized. He had fluid around his lungs, which were very diseased. Treatment was not the smartest choice to make. He was suffering. It's hard to think that just a couple days ago he was so happy and ready to purr. Just in the past couple days he went downhill really fast. Ripple was able to say goodbye to him along with me at the Vet. I took this last picture of him with my camera phone.

He lived a good life. He was a wonderful companion. To both Ripple and myself. I loved him so much. This is a really, realy tough day for me at Chez Turtle. Thank you all for your good thoughts lately. I wish I had better news to share.
Goodbye MoMo. You are loved, and missed.
Oh sweet Morris. Although I didn't know you, but I'm glad your mom was nice enough to share your adventures in kitty-dom here on her blog for all of us to see.
Rest in peace sweet little katze.
I just don't have the words to tell you how sorry I am. I'm crying like a baby reading your loving tribute and I'm so happy that MoMo had such a loving and caring Mama.
Morris was so well loved, not just by you but by all of your readers. Big hugs to you and Ripple.
I am so sad for you and Ripple. Zora and Dulce send kitty kisses to you both. ((hug))
It's so sad. I'm sorry for your loss.
Morris will be missed!! We all loved him as you and Ripple did!
Take care! Call if you feel up to it sometime! ((((big hugs for you and Ripple!)))))
So sorry to learn of the loss of your dear Morris. Thinking of you!
Godspeed to you Morris, and thank you for bringing Cristi and Ripple such joy.
Hon, can you take a Mental Health Day tomorrow? You need time to mourn freely.
I'm so sorry about your kitty. (hugs)
I'm sorry for your loss. He seems to have lived a nice long life. Men always age better. :) I'm glad Ripple and you have eachother to comfort.
So sorry! Morris was so sweet.
Oh, no! I am so sorry. We had to euthanize our first cat (as in first cat as a married couple) several years ago. It is so hard to say goodbye. I can only imagine how sad you are. My thoughts are with you.
So sorry to hear about the loss of Morris - thanks for sharing the memories. Remember all the good times & love he brought to your life.
I am so sorry you had to go through that.
love you
I'm so sorry! He was such a cutie. Hang in there!
I'm sorry for your and Ripple's loss. These things are so hard. PLease know we are all thinking of you and will miss Morris too.
So sorry, Turtle. Had to make the same decision many years ago when the cat I had (pre-allergy) was suffering. Still hurts to think on it sometimes but not so much as when it happened.
*hugs* I'm sorry to hear about your loss. He was very lucky to have you for a mom. Your in my thoughts.
I am so sorry for your loss, Cristi. Pat pat to Ripple.
Oh Cristi, I am so sorry. I cannot imagine your grief, I know Ripple must be grieving as well. Hugs for the both of you.
Tears are streaming down my face.
I am thinking about you and Ripple.
It's a hard decision, but I'm sure it was the right one. It's your responsibility as a pet mom to do what's best for MoMo and Ripple and you did that, even though it was an exceptionally difficult thing to do.
Big hugs to you and Ripple.
I'm so sorry to hear it is the end. Big hugs to you and Ripple.
*hugs* Sorry for your loss; good thoughts coming to you and Ripple.
Very sorry to hear about your loss Cristi. It's never easy to make that decision. I'm just happy knowing that you were able to give Morris a happy life and that he was a good companion to you. You'll have those memories forever.
Aw, I'm so sorry. We put my kitty down in February and it is so hard. My kitty will look after your kitty in kitty heaven, don't worry. She's very friendly.
He was a very handsome cat! And give Ripple a pat for me.
Goodbye MoMo. I'll miss your funny grumpy expressions. And I promise to look after your mom for you.
I'm so sorry. He looks so much like my sister's late cat Mike. I think there's just something special about orange tigers. Hang in there, turtle!
I am so very, very sorry. I went thru the same thing earlier this year so I know how you feel. Goodbye Morris :(
Ugh. I can't imagine trying to make that decision. I'm so sorry you had to lose your friend.
I'm so so sorry. Your post made me cry, remembering when I had to make that decision once and it'll never get easier.
I think I need to give my kitty a hug now.
hugs to you & Ripple.
So sorry to hear about your loss. As difficult as the decision was to make, I'm sure it would have been more difficult to watch him deteriorate and suffer. Hugs to you and Ripple.
So sorry to hear your news. I know how hard it is to lose a fur-baby. You're in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sorry I am so late in my response but I was trying to find this (it was sent to me from a dear friend):
MoMo will be missed. We're here for you & Ripple - call anytime
xoxo love
I'm sorry :(
So so sorry. It is one of the hardest things in the entire world. Probably so hard because they give us so much. You loved MoMo well and he adored you back - and he'll always be in your heart. I have a picture of our 17-year old Bitty on my desktop - I say good morning to him 5 days a week - we lost him this summer. Took a while, and I have a huge lump in my throat now - sending you positive energies from me, the Bluefish & Indigo!
Oh Cristi, I'm so sorry.
So very sorry for your Kitty loss. They are the best! Hugs
Kittys are the best, Oh sorry if that came off wrong-UGH! Many more hugs!
(((hugs))) :(
I'm sorry about your loss Cristi. :(
Oh, I'm so sorry Turtle!! I'm so sad for you...
He must have been such a sweet kitty. I'm glad you were his person.
My heart is breaking.. I don't know what to say. I love cats but am allergic so don't own one, but I live vicariously through your posts and others. Morris will be sorely missed. Now I'm gonna go hug up all my hamsters.. :((
Oh, Cristi, I'm so sorry. He was such a good kitty.
My thoughts are with you and Ripple. He will be missed.
I am so sorry to hear this. warm feelings to you and Ripple.
So sorry for you and Ripple.
I have tears for Morris too.
Making that choice for my Muffin was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life too. But very important.
I adopted a doggie from the shelter yesterday. It was spur of the moment...maybe pet karma comes in forms we don't understand.
I'm so sorry, hon. I know how much you cared about him.
I'm thinking of you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our Copper Bear in October. Our furry friends are truly part of the family. Hugs!
My heart goes out to you and Ripple.
I am so sorry, but it sounds like it was the right choice.
That picture of him in the sunshine is beautiful.
My heart goes out to you and Ripple.
I'm so so heartbroken to hear about Morris' passing. I know that was not an easy decision, but he is in a better place now. No pain and no suffering. His memory will long forever through your memorry, tribute, words and photos.
My love and warm thoughts and prayers to you and Ripple now in your time of mourning.
Carmen and Kitty
that's so sad, but it sounds like you did the right thing. my thoughts are with you.
I am so sorry to hear about your kitty's passing. You did the right thing. Take good care of yourself and Ripple.
(and Grady and Fee)
Oh, I'm so sorry about your kitty's passing. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. I'm all choked up thinking about it.
I only just was able to check in and see this terrible news. I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you and Ripple. I had to go through this earlier this year and I know how you feel.
If there is ANYTHING I can do - or even if you need a sympathetic ear, PM me at the coffeeshop (Ladybug42).
Big hugs to you and Ripple.
Cristi, I keep starting to post, but then I stop because I start bawling. I'm so sorry for your loss, and for Ripples. I really enjoyed reading about Morris's antics, and I know you were an amazing home for him. You made the right decision in not extending his suffering, but I know how hard that is. I'll be thinking of you and Ripple (and the new kitten somewhere that's Morris's spirit). Take care of each other.
oh,i'm very sorry to hear that about morris. a friend once reminded me that we should be grateful that we can euthanize our pets, since we don't have that freedom with our ailing and pained (human) family.
i euthanized my doggie a number of years ago. i know how much it sucks. it was about 2 years before i could stop crying when i talked about it. well, i don't know about that. it sucks. i'm sorry.
Christi and Ripple,
I am so sorry for your loss. You did the unselfish thing even though it made you sad. Take care of each other.
Thank you for sharing.
My deepest condolences to you in the passing of Morris. He looks so much like my dearly beloved Vincent, who died of cancer in 2000. It's so difficult to let them go, but they stay purring in our hearts forever. Comfort to you and Ripple.
Oh turtlegirl,
I am so sorry for your loss. Me and mine send hugs and love to both you and Ripple.
I'm so sorry, I will miss seeing pictures of Morris and hearing your cat stories.
I'm so sad for you, Cristi. Take care...
delurking - I am so sorry for your loss. My cat shadow died almost 3 years ago so I know how hard it is to lose a loved pet. They're family.
Poor little fella. He was lucky to have his loved ones with him right at the end.
I'm so sorry for your loss. He was incredibly lucky to have had you in his life, and we are for having you share his life with us.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Please give Ripple an extra cuddle for me today, and you get a huge hug from me as well.
Oh turtlegirl, I'm so so sorry about your Morris. :( He was a good kind kitty that lived a long, much-loved life with you and Ripple. {{{HUGS}}}
I just read this. I am so very sorry Christi!
Hugs to you.
I'm so sorry to hear about your adorable kitty cat Morris. I know how hard it is to make that decision. Morris was so lucky to have you there to care for him during the good times and the bad. Take care of yourself and Ripple!
I am so sorry.
I was so sorry to hear about Morris. I thought he was fantastic. A big hug from me.
I wish you had called me. I went through this in August with Waldo. Take it one day at a time. Jane
Warm kitty hugs... we've had a few leave us. They can get so sick so fast, it's just not fair. It's so hard and the memories bittersweet... but get sweeter with time. Orange kitties are especially handsome!
Aw, crap. What a lovely, beautiful sweet cat whose personality shines through in every photo. I don't know what to say. I still grieve my Beu-Beu who passed on almost 3 yrs ago. You never get over it. But you also never forget how much you loved them, and how much they loved you, and all the funny things they did. Big huge hugs.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about Morris. My condolences. :(
This is one of hardest choices you'll ever have to make. My thoughts are with you and Ripple....
I'm getting caught up here & just found out about dear Morris. I'm so sorry, I know what you are feeling, I had to have two of my kids put down this year, the 9 year old in July & the 15 year old in Sept. Not an easy decision , but the right one. I'll tell Maggie & Jr to look for Morris.
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