Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Floppy Bag? Fix it!

Does your bag flop? Don't give up! Reinforce it! Buy you some plastic canvas (I got the 7-mesh that you find at Wally World) and grab a ball of el cheapo (not a brand name) acrylic yarn, and stitch yourself a base. Here's mine. I started at the bottom left, and worked to the right, then up and over. You can see how quickly I lost interest in the smaller stitches. Once you're done, stick it in the bottom of the bag, and ta da! Look at her posture!

1 comment:

Zonda said...

Wow what a great idea!!! I have to go there tomorrow...to the list it goes..

The best part is, if you switch bags that are about the same size...it can switch w/you...

I think I need that for my Milky way bag...... Thanks!