Don't get me wrong, the original pattern is fabulous, but me being the adventurous Leo that I am, had to go and change it up. Yesterday I left you in suspense as to what my changes would be to the bottom. In a marathon knitting session, I managed to finish the bottom off last night, then woke up early this morning to finish off the ribbing on the sleeves. I was 10 minutes late for work. It was worth it.

(No, I'm not sprouting wings, stupid bra)

Yarn: Cotton Fleece in "Nymph" about 2 1/2 Skeins
Size: The 36"
Mods: Ok, so I added in some waist shaping about 3 inches after the patterned shaping. 3 repeats of K1FB before and after the arm markers and 2 rounds plain stockinette between each. Then 3 inches before where I wanted it to end, I started the lace pattern again. The first 2 times I repeated the first round of lace, I did do the increases. If I could rewind time, I wouldn't do this, it didn't really need it, but it's all good. I repeated the lace pattern 6 times as for the top.
Me likee.
it looks gorgeous. i love the shade of blue you chose.
lovely work! it looks perfect on you!
Wow! It looks great! I love the modifications you made...way to be adventerous!
Very pretty Christi!
That's awesome! I love the bottom, and doubly love the shaping you added. I've got the pattern in my queue, and am now thinking I oughtta do something similar. Thanks for the inspiration!
It's fantastic! I love the lacy bottom and think the modifications make it much prettier. It looks fab on you too.
That's the best GG I've seen. Love the mods too!
And to address your last post--does your camera have a timer? One of the ways I do my self portraits is to stick the camera in my medicine cabinet in the bathroom on the middle shelf, hit the timer, and strike a pose!
Bezzie - I honestly don't have a shelf at the right height anywhere to do that. Maybe the mantel over the bookshelf, but the lighting in there is poor. Bright on one side, dark on the other. Remember the fug picture of me in the Turquoise Terror scarf? That was taken with a timer, and I cut half my body off.
Gorgeous sweater. : )
me likee too! :)
VERY NICE! I might have to try my hand at the Green Gable now. It looks LOVERLY on you. I love the modifications you made and you have such a nice shape. YOU GO GIRL!
Thank you, thank you and thank you!
great looking top!!!!
That looks awesome! I love the lace at the bottom, I might borrow your idea when I make mine. Very nice!
You RAWK girl! This is only like your second thing with arms right?? Well you did a wonderful job and it looks perfecto on you!!
Enjoy it...and you have more to make another one too ;)
That top is perfect on you, turtlegirl! :) Even one of my coworkers said so. (He was passing by and asked about the photo. He said to say hello.)
Hello entrelac's co-worker! I'm single!
It looks wonderful - love the color & your customization!
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