Friday, November 25, 2005

Stupid Dye Lots

So, I finally got through my first skein of yarn on the Harry Potter Scarf, and I realized I'm not going to have enough to do the 13 pattern repeats. I might be able to make it to 8 or 9. I have 2 more skeins (I freaked out because I only remembered buying 2 total) but I can't find any more in the same dye lot from where I purchased it originally. If at the end of the 3rd, I'm not happy with the length, I'm going to have to match it as best I can. At the very least, I'll have to use a different dye lot for the fringe. At least that won't be as noticable. Oh well. So far, I've done 4 pattern repeats. Image Hosted by I went to my first Stitch 'n Bitch meeting for the Southside group of the Metrolina Stitch 'n Bitch here in Charlotte. I had so much fun! It turns out that I already know 2 of the members from several years back, so that made it so much more comfortable for me. And the other ladies there were great, so funny. I worked on the Irish Hiking Scarf there and I finally figured out how to knit AND purl with the yarn held in my right hand over my index finger. This made my knitting tighter, but not noticable on the scarf. That should speed things up for me. And it'll make my Mom proud. She was frustrated with me for not being able to hold the yarn "properly" when I was still learning. But I've got it now! I've got 18 1/2 inches done of the 72 I need to finish. Yay! One of my best friends, whom I have spent the last 5 years with on Thanksgiving (since I have no family around) gave me the best gift yesterday. It's a pattern a day calendar for 2006. I wish they didn't put the days on there. It could be a perpetual calendar if they didn't. But I found a bunch of great patterns in there. What a great early Christmas gift! Now I need to get cracking on her scarf/neck warmer thingie she wants me to make. But she knows I can't do that in time for Christmas, so hopefully by her birthday in early January.

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