Thank God this isn't a meme. I'd have to whip out
the button. It's the
Lacevember questionnaire, and since
Knitting Mamma asked, I thought I'd fill it out.
The knitting questions, or the usual suspects
How long have you been knitting?
Just over a year now, though I learned two years ago this coming Christmas.
How did you learn to knit?
My mommy taught me.
Favorite thing about knitting?
What’s not to love? I love seeing the yarn transform into something right in my hands before my very eyes!
How long have you been knitting lace?
About 3 weeks now.
Favorite thing about knitting lace.
It’s not plain stockinette. It keeps me on my toes.
The yarn questions, or flash your stash
Favorite lace yarn?
Um. *shrug* I don’t know. I’m not using a laceweight yarn for this project.
variegated or solids for shawls?
I’ve seen both used and think they’re both lovely in the right project, but I have to say I favor solid. It shows off the stitch pattern better.
Favorite lace color?
Uhh. Umm….dunno yet.
Technique, or show us your skillz
Circs or straights?
Favorite lace knitting trick?
Using my Pattern Row Counter to keep track of my rows rather than a kacha kacha, or pencil and paper.
Lifelines? If so with what?
Dental floss. And I haven’t put one in on this project yet, but after the next purl row I will. I have one more pattern row to go before I’m done this section of my shawl.
Fancy blocking wires, or just sewing pins stuck in your carpet?
We’ll see. I think I’m going to check out home depot for some of that welding wire I hear tell works.
Pattern, or can you follow directions
shawls or lacey items?
Shawls probably.
triangle, rectangle, or circular shawls?
Um. This is my first and it’s a triangle. I cannot comment on the other kind as far as knitting them goes, but I would say I like the look of them all!
Charts or printed instructions?
Both if possible, but I’ve finally gotten used to reading charts.
Favorite lace you've knit?
*blink blink*
Favorite lace you want to knit?
I still want to knit the Adamas Shawl from Knit Picks. I will conquer it!
Just Fun, yup that's right, just for fun
Favorite jelly belly flavor?
Juicy Pear
Tell me everything you know about Eric the Red.....
Is that the big red dog from the children’s books? No, I suppose it’s a Viking. And other than saying he probably had red hair and his name was Eric and he was probably Norse, I couldn’t tell ya.
Coke, classic or with lime?
Diet and Caffeine Free actually.
Holiday carols, sing along, or wish they would be banned from all public airwaves?
Banned from all public airwaves prior to December 1st.
What is the definition of irony?
Apparently not 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife. Or meeting the man of my dreams and then meeting his beautiful wife.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
3 according to the commercials. But I’m not a licker. I’m a sucker so, um, 1.
1 really, really long one.
Why is my cat always puking in front of my son's bedroom door?
Is that the only part of the house with carpet?
What is your superhero power?
I am able to whack the corner of every desk, table and filing cabinet with incredible force, resulting in a fabulous display of black and blue marks all over my body.
If the laundry is 9 foot by 11 foot (just dreaming, that's a big laundry room), and the walls are 8 feet tall, and you are going to tile the entire room in tiles that are 3 inches by 5 inches, what color should those tiles be?
What's for dinner tonight?
Probably a cookie at Books-a-Million. Ahh, the single life.
Edit - I filled this out yesterday and it ended up being a cupcake. Heh.
What is clogging my children's bathtub drain?
I’m guessing yarn.