So yesterday, when I got home, I had 2 yarnolicious packages awaiting me (you'll have to wait until Friday for pics). One was my order from
Smileys with my 30 (yes - 30) skeins of Cotton-Ease. Hey, what's a girl to do when a discontinued yarn pops up in massive quantities via mail-order? You mail in an order! Sheesh, for $1.99 a skein it didn't exactly break the bank. ANYWAY - I also had a R.A.K package awaiting me from
mikomiao! She had messaged me on the boards worried because she had sent it to my old address and wasn't sure if it would be forwarded on. Indeed it was, and wow. Inside was the collection of turtles you see on the right there. And one is even a candle! I'd had one of those ages ago but lost it in one of my many moves. It's so nice to have one again! She also included some gorgeous laceweight mohair. Ya jealous? Yeah, you should be. Just wait until you see some pics of this stuff. It's so bright and cheery! So, between my haul this weekend and yesterday's packages, I shouldn't be duplicating any yarnos for some time. Heh. Thank you Mikomiao!
ETA - duh, the point of the title was this here mosaic thingie:

Just a smattering of the turtles thingamajigs I have around the house. To see them in much better resolution and size, check out my turtle
flickr set. I'll be collecting photos of all my turtles and adding them to the set as I get them.
I *heart* Smiley's...Oh yeah, nothing like huge quantities of great priced yarns...I'm with ya.
What a great turtle collection. I don't have nearly that many - but one day I'll post about how they came to be a fave.
Wow, thanks for pics of the turtle collection!
Can't wait to see your cotton pr0n! hehe..I was good,stayed away so far! ;)
The collection is gettign huge! They're all really cool.
Then one day, in a Kafkaesque turn, she grew a shell and flippers.
That's a neat mosaic! How do you do that??
Yes, you DO have a lot of turtles! The question is: Do you have more turtles than yarn tho? :D
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