First of all, meet the toothless wonder.
He's ok. Just missing a helluva lot more teeth than we thought. Apparently all he has are his Canines and the teeny tiny teeth between them in the front and below. Joy. The vet thinks that it's due to resorption. Apparently a natural thing as a cat ages. He probably swallowed the other missing teeth. (!) I have medicine for him to help ward off infection and for any pain he might be having in his gums. He'll deal with that for 10 days, then we'll go back in a month to make sure all is well and I don't have to spend $500 on his mouth. Gah.
(ETA - Heh, no Dave I don't have to pre-chew his food, though all that gravy in the Whiskas certainly is tempting.)
In actual knitting news, have you noticed that the Lacey Camisole's progress bar has been at 99% for over a week? Yeah. I need to seam it up. I did finally face the grafting of the 1 x 1 ribbing of the straps. Yeah. Here's a pictorial:

First, I placed the pieces of the camisole in position, with my Vogue Knitting book strategically in place. (Which, by the way, has craptastic directions for doing this : "graft stitches as shown" followed by one picture. Um yeah, you suck Vogue Knitting!)
Then, I separated the knits from the purls on each strap. Then I said "screw it" to Vogue Knitting and used my superior knowledge of Kitchner stitch to graft the knits to the knits on the front, then flipped the piece to graft the purls on the back.
Not too shabby. I coulda done better, but the hell if I'm going back and trying again.
I still have the side seams to do. Maybe tonight.
In other progress bar news, you see a new one over there. The Simple Knitted Bodice from Stitchdiva. I joined the KAL and everything. I'm so into this sweater it's crazy. I started late Saturday Night and last night joined the 3rd hank of Berroco Denim Silk.

Me likey!
Poor thing! I hope the little guy is feeling better. Do they make kitty dentures?
Good grafting!!
Does this mean you have to pre-chew all the cat food?
Aw, poor kitty. Guess I'd better keep an eye on my boys - they're getting older.
I love the Stitch Diva pattern. ikeep drooling over it, but I know I can't justify the $$ of the original yarn. I do like your sub, though... hmmm....
Poor Ripple!! I didn't realize he was an older kitty. He is so expressive!
Beautious grafting given the craptacular instructions. The red will be smashing on you!!
The Sexy Knitters Club selected the SKB as their next project. I can't decide if I want to do it. Don't get me wrong, I love the pattern, but can I make that? I don't know. I can't wait to see how yours turns out!
Wait, Ripple is the Soap Licker right? Hmmm....it's times like these I wish I was a scientist and could submit a grant proposal to study soap lickage with tooth loss in felines.
Your kitties are so cute!! Poor Ripple! I hope his mouth heals quickly.
Maybe if your kitty didn't eat so much soap - he wouldn't loose his teeth! HEE HEE!! Beautiful knitting! Sue
Aw, poor Morris. hope he's ok. The cami looks fab so far.
I love the colour you chose for the Bodice. It's on my list, but I'm not starting it just yet.
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