Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Fuzzy Foot

I finished Fuzzy Foot #1 over the weekend, and silly me didn't bother checking gauge when I did it because I was using the recommended yarn and needle size. Well, it's a bit on the tight side, not too bad really, but I'm hoping it felts down to the correct size. I'm a size 9, thank God I have a sis with size 11 feet. If these don't work out. NoNoKitty also inspired me to give stitch marker making a try and I've churned out quite a few. No pics yet though, for various reasons, but you'll see them here and there in future WIP pics.


Knittypants said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your stitch markers. I have been kindof wanting to try making them myself, but I think they might be too fiddly for me.

Rain said...

Hope they fit ok. I hate swatching so hardly ever do it.